Complete List of Publications Here
J.M. Shea and S.A. Villeda. Microglia aging in the hippocampus advances through intermediate states that drive inflammatory activation and cognitive decline. eLife.
E. Gil, S.J. Hong, D. Wu, D.H. Park, R.N. Delgado, M. Malatesta, K. Lin, S.A. Villeda, and D.A. Lim. Chromatin regulator KDM6B is required for the establishment and maintenance of neural stem cells in mouse hippocampus. eLife.
M.T. Clarke, L. Remesal, L. Lentz, D.J. Tan, D. Young, S. Thapa, S. Namduri, B. Borges, G. Kirn, J. Valencia, M.E. Lopez, J.H. Liu, L.R. Shiow, S.V. Dindot, S.A. Villeda, S.J. Sanders, T. MacKenzie. Prenatal delivery of a therapeutic antisense oligonucleuotide achieves broad biodistribution in the brain and ameliorates Angelman Syndrome phenotype in mice. Molecular Therapy. 32(4):935-951.
M.E. Babey, W.C. Krause, K. Chen, C.B. Herber, Z. Torok, J. Nikkanen, R. Rodriguez, X. Zhang, F. Castro-Navarro, Y. Wang, E.E. Wheeler, S. Villeda, J.K. Leach, N.E. Lane, E.L. Scheller, C.K.F. Chan, T.H. Ambrosi and H.A. Ingraham. A maternal brain hormone that builds bone. Nature. 632(8024):357-365.
A.B. Schroer*#, P.B. Ventura*, J. Sucharov Costa, R. Misra, M.K.K. Chui, G. Bieri, A.M. Horowitz, L.K. Smith, K. Encabo, I. Tenggara, J. Couthouis, J.D. Gross, J.M. Chan, A. Luke, and S.A. Villeda#. Platelet factors attenuate inflammation and rescue cognition in aging. Nature. 620(7976):1071-1079.
- Research Highlight: Older mouse brains rejuvenated by protein found in young blood. Nature.
- Research Highlight: A platelet-derived factor protects teh ageing brain. Nat. Rev. Immunol.
M.E. Stevenson*, G. Bieri*, R. Kaletsky, J. St. Agne, L. Remesal , K.J.B. Pratt, S. Zhou, Y. Weng, C.T. Murphy#, and S.A. Villeda#. Neuronal activation of Gaq EGL-30/GNAQ late in life rejuvenates cognition across species. Cell Reports. 42(9):113151. #co-corresponding author
G. Bieri, A.B. Schroer and S.A. Villeda. Blood to brain communication in aging and rejuvenation. Nature Neuroscience. 26(3):379-393.
O. Leiter, D. Brici, S.J. Fletcher, X.L.H. Yong, J. Widago, M. Matigian, A.B. Schroer, G. Bieri, D.G. Blackmore, P.F. Bartlett, S.A. Villeda, and T.L. Walker. Platelet-derived exerkine CXCL4/platelet factor 4 rejuvenates hippocampal neurogenesis and restores cognitive function in aged mice. Nature Communications. 14(1):4375.
C. Park, O. Hahn, S. Gupta, A.J. Moreno, B. Kedir, D. Wang, S.A. Villeda, T. Wyss-Coray and D.B. Dubal. Platelet factors are induced by longevity factor klotho and enhance cognition in young and aging mice. Nature Aging. 3(9):1067-1078.
J.M. Braz, K. Hamel, V. Craik, S. Rodriguez-Rosado, K. Bhardwaj, M. Jewell, G. Bieri, S.A. Villeda, and A.I. Basbaum. Pain and itch processing in aged mice. Journal of Pain. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.07.018.
S. Villeda, H. Brown-Borg, and R. Anderson. Neurobiology of Aging: New Insights from Across the Research Spectrum. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. 78(6):869-871
K.J.B. Pratt*, J.M. Shea*, L. Remesal-Gomez, G. Bieri, L.K. Smith, J. Couthois, C.P. Chen, I.R. Roy, G. Gontier# and S.A. Villeda#. Loss of neuronal Tet2 enhances hippocampal-dependent cognitive function. Cell Reports. 41(6):111612
L. Chow, R. Gerszten, J. Taylor, B. Pedersen, H. van Praag, S. Trappe, M. Fabbraio, Z. Galis, J. Haus, I. Lanza, C. Lavie, C-H. Lee, A. Lucia, C. Moro, A. Pandley, J. Robbins, K. Stanford, A. Thackray, S. Villeda, M. Watt, A. Xia, J. Zierath, B. Goodpaster, and M. Snyder. Exerkines in health, resilience and disease. Nature Reviews Endocrinology. 18(5):273-289.
D. Yu, T. Li, J-C., Delpech, B. Zhu, P. Kishore, T. Koshi, R. Luo, K.J.B. Pratt, G. Popova, T.J. Nowakowski, S.A. Villeda, and X. Piao. Microglial GPR56 is the molecular target of meternal immune activation-induced parbalbumin-positive interneuron deficits. Science Advances. 8(18):eabm2545.
K. Lin, G. Bieri, Geraldine Gontier, S. Muller, L.K. Smith, C.E. Snethlage, C.W. White III, S. Maybury-Lewis, and S.A. Villeda. MHC Class I H2-Kb negatively regulates neural progenitor cell proliferation by inhibiting FGFR signaling. PLOS Biology. 19(6): e3001311.
T.T. Ho, P.V. Dellorusso, E.V. Verovskaya, S.T. Bakker, J. Flach, L.K. Smith, P.B. Ventura, O.M. Lansinger, A. Herault, S.Y. Zhang, Y-A. Kang, S.A. Villeda, and E. Passegue. Aged hematopoietic stem cells are refractory to systemic interventions. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 218(7):e20210223
A.M. Horowitz, X. Fan, G. Bieri, L.K. Smith, C.I. Sanchez-Diaz, A.B. Schroer, G. Gontier, K.B. Casaletto, J.H. Kramer, K.E. Williams, and S.A. Villeda. Blood factors transfer beneficial effects of exercise on neurogenesis and cognition to the aged brain. Science. 369(6500):167-173.
- Insights: Exercising your mind. Science. 369(6500):144-145.
- Research Highlight: Blood from fit mice bestows brain benefits of exercise. Nature. 583:335.
- Comment: A new player in the beneficial effects of exercise on the aged brain. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 5:184.
C.W. White III, X. Fan, J.C. Maynard, E.G. Wheatley, G. Bieri, J. Couthois, A.L. Burlingame, and S.A. Villeda. Age-related loss of neural stem cell O-GlcNAc promotes a glial cell fate switch through STAT3 activation. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 177(36):22214-22214.
L.K. Smith, E. Verovskaya, G. Bieri, A.M. Horowitz, S.N.I. von Ungern-Sternberg, K. Lin, P. Seizer, E. Passegue, and S.A. Villeda. The aged hematopoietic system promotes hippocampal-dependent cognitive decline. Aging Cell. 19(8):e13192.
D. Brigger, C. Riether, Robin van Brummelen, K.I. Mosher, A. Shiu, Z. Ding, H. Yousef, J.M. Castellano, D. Storni, N. Graff-Radford, M. Britschgi, D. Grandgirard, M. Siegrist, N. Moullan, W. Hofstetter, S.L. Leib, P.M. Villiger, J. Auwerx, S.A. Villeda, T. Wyss-Coray, M. Noti, and A. Eggel. Eosinophils regulate adipose tissue inflammation and sustain physical and immunological fitness in old age. Nature Metabolism. 2(8):688-702.
Q-H. Nguyen, R.G. Witt, B. Wang, C. Eikani, J. Shea, L. Smith, G. Boyle, J. Cadaoas, R. Sper, J.D. MacKenzie, S. Villeda and T.C. MacKenzie. Tolerance induction and microglial engraftment after fetal therapy without conditioning in mice with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII. Science Translational Medicine. 12(532):8980.
J.M Shea and S.A. Villeda. Dampening the power of the brain – when aging meets cognition. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences DOI:10.1093/Gerona/glaa170.
E.G. Wheatley, E. Albarran, C.W. White III, G. Bieri, C.I. Sanchez-Diaz, K. Pratt, C.E. Snethlage, J.B. Ding, and S.A. Villeda. Neuronal O-GlcNAcylation improves cognitive function in the aged mouse brain. Current Biology. 29(20):3359-3369.
C. Schneider, J. Lee, S. Koga, R.R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J.C. Nussbaum, L.K. Smith, S.A. Villeda, H.E. Liang and R.M. Locksley. Tissue-resident group 2 innate lymphoid cells differentiate by layered ontogeny and in situ perinatal priming. Immunity. 7613(19):30199-2.
P. Sousa-Victor, J. Neves, W. Cedron-Craft, P.B. Ventura, C-Y. Liao, R.R. Riley, I. Soifer, N. van Bruggen, G.A. Kolumam, S.A. Villeda, D.A. Lamba and H. Jasper. MANF regulates metabolic and immune homeostasis in ageing and protects against liver damage. Nature Metabolism. 1(2):276-290.
S.N. Austad, M.A. Wood, S.A Villeda, J.L. Voss, A. Sahay and M. Albert. Innovative approaches in cognitive aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 4580(19):30127-7.
A.B. Schroer, A.M. Horowitz and S.A Villeda. Platelets give a running start to adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Stem Cell Reports. 12(4):643-646.
C.W. White 3rd, K. Pratt, S.A. Villeda. OPCs on a Diet: A Youthful Serving of Remyelination. Cell Metabolism. 30(6):1004-1006.
G. Gontier, M. Iyer, J.M. Shea, G. Bieri, E.G. Wheatley, M. Ramalho-Santos, and S.A. Villeda. Tet2 rescues age-related regenerative decline and enhances cognitive function in the adult mouse brain. Cell Reports. 22(8):1974-1981.
G.B. Bieri. K.M. Lucin, C.E. O’Brien, S.A. Villeda, and T. Wyss-Coray. Proteolytic cleavage of Beclin 1 exacerbates neurodegeneration. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 13(1):68.
L.K. Smith, C.W. White and S.A Villeda. The systemic environment: at the interface of aging and adult neurogenesis. Cell Tissue Res. 371(1):105-113.
A. Deczkowska, O. Matcovitch-Natan, A. Tsitsou-Kampeli, S. Ben-Hamo, R. Dvir-Szternfeld, A. Spinrad, O. Singer, E. David, D.R. Winter, L.K. Smith, A. Kertser, K. Baruch, N. Rosenzweig, A. Terem, M. Prinz, S. Villeda, A. Citri, I. Amit, and M. Schwartz. Mef2C restrains microglial inflammatory response and is lost in brain ageing in an INF-I-dependent manner. Nature Communications. 8(1):717.
X. Fan, E.G. Wheatley and S.A Villeda. Mechanisms of hippocampal aging and the potential for rejuvenation. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 40: 251-271.
A.M. Horowitz and S.A Villeda. Therapeutic potential of systemic brain rejuvenation strategies for neurodegenerative disease. F1000 Research. DOI: 10.1007/s00441-017-2715-8.
Y. Zhang, T.L. Roth, E.E. Gray, H. Chen, L.B. Rodda, Y. Liang, P. Ventura, S. Villeda, P.R. Crocker, and J.G. Cyster. Mechanisms of innate-like lymphocyte surveillance of the subcapsular sinus to provide lymph node barrier immunity. eLife. DOI: 10.7554/3Life.18156
J. Middeldorp, B. Lehallier, S.A. Villeda, S. Miedema, E. Evans, E. Czirr, H. Zhang, J. Luo, T. Stan, K. Mosher, E. Masliah and T. Wyss-Coray. Pre-clinical assessment of young plasma for Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA Neurology. 73(11):1325-1333.
J. U. Udeochu, J. M. Shea, and S.A. Villeda. Microglia communication: Parallels between aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology. 7(2):114-125.
L.K. Smith, Y.B. He, J.S. Park, G. Bieri, C. Snethlage, K. Lin, G. Gontier, R. Wabl, K. Plambeck, J. Udeochu, E.G. Wheatley, J. Bouchard, A. Eggel, R. Narasimha, J.L. Grant, J. Lou, T. Wyss-Coray and S.A. Villeda. β2-Microglobulin is a systemic pro-aging factor that impairs cognitive function and neurogenesis. Nature Medicine. 21(8):932-37.
- News and Views: Breaking bad blood. Nature Medicine. 21(8):844-45
- Highlight: ‘Old-age protein’ may cause memory loss. ScienceNow. AAAS; 2015
M. Armanios, R. De Cabo, J. Mannick, L. Partridge, J. Van Deursen, and S. Villeda. Translational strategies in aging and age-related disease. Nature Medicine. 21(12):1-5.
G. Gontier, K. Lin and S.A. Villeda. Fat chance for neural stem cells in Alzheimer’s disease. Cell Stem Cell. 17(4):373-374.
S.A. Villeda*, K. Plambeck, J. Middeldorp, J.M. Castellano, K.I. Mosher, J. Luo, L.K. Smith, G. Bieri, K. Lin, D. Berdnik, R. Wabl, J. Udeochu, E.G. Wheatley, B. Zou, D. Simmons, X.S. Xie, F. Longo, T. Wyss-Coray*. Young blood reverses age-related impairments in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in mice. Nature Medicine. 20(6):659-63 *co-corresponding author
- News and Views: Young blood rejuvenates old brains. Nature Medicine. 20(6):582-83
- Highlight: Young Blood. New England Journal of Medicine. 371(6):573-5
- Highlight: Blood-derived rejuvenation. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 15:352
- Highlight: Could young blood combat age-related cognitive decline. Nat. Rev. Neurol.
- Rejuvenation: It’s in our blood. Cell Metabolism. 20(1):2-4
- Highlight: Young blood renews old mice. ScienceNow. AAAS; 2014
J. Bouchard & S.A. Villeda. Aging and Brain Rejuvenation as Systemic Events. Journal of Neurochemistry. 132(1):5-19.
S.A. Villeda, J. Luo, K.I. Mosher, B. Zou, M. Britschgi, G. Bieri, T.M. Stan, N. Fainberg, Z. Ding, A. Eggel, K.M. Lucin, E. Czirr, J-S. Park, S. Doupres-Couillard, L. Aigner, G. Li, E.R. Peskind, J.A. Kaye, J.F. Quinn, D.R. Galasko, X.S. Xie, T.A. Rando, and T. Wyss-Coray. The aging systemic milieu negatively regulates neurogenesis and cognitive function. Nature. 477(7362):90-4
- News and Views: Ageing: Blood Ties. Nature. 477(7362):41-2
- Highlight: Ageing, it’s in the blood. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 12(10):547
- Highlight: The Brain’s Fountain of Youth. ScienceNow. AAAS; 2011